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Dunkerque LNG and its territory

The LNG terminal welcomed 716 visitors in 2018


Non-profits, industrial companies, elected officials, private citizens, high school students, foreign delegations... In 2018 a total of 716 people came to visit the installations at the Dunkirk LNG terminal and many more participated in a variety of activities arranged by Dunkerque LNG.

Since the construction of the terminal, Dunkerque LNG has been dedicated to the goals of forging and maintaining strong ties with the region and positioning itself as an essential actor in LNG, a fuel of the future. This commitment has translated into numerous tours and events organised by Dunkerque LNG to create a better understanding of operations at the LNG terminal, the nature of the work and liquid natural gas. 'In 2018, we welcomed 716 visitors,' reports Charline Saladin, who works for Exirys, a firm that manages tours and events for Dunkerque LNG. She adds: 'There have been locally elected officials, associations, foreign delegations, high school students and even many private citizens at the terminal's open houses, which usually take place during France's Industry Week or National Heritage Days. During that week alone, we received 217 visitors.' High school students also make up a large share (418) of all visitors. 'We welcome them on various occasions, including School and Business Week and International Women's Day. In the latter case, the tour is reserved for high school girls, who also have a discussion with women who work at the LNG terminal to show them that careers in industry are just as viable for women as for men.'

In 2018, Dunkerque LNG arranged educational events for primary, middle and high school students, as well as the general public. For example, the workshop, 'Gas in all its states', was presented at PLUS in Capelle-la-Grande as part of the Science Celebration, and to many middle school students in the area during Industry Week. Dunkerque LNG developed the workshop on gas to create a link between the theory taught to students and practical applications in the professional world. A presentation on biodiversity, dune formations and offsetting measures taken by Dunkerque LNG when building the terminal was given at the Maison de la Nature in Loon-Plage during the Nature Festival and at various primary schools in Loon-Plage.

'It is critical for us that we raise the profile of industry among our youth so they have a better understanding of it and so they can have a firm grasp of what the industrial sector looks like. By creating connections from a young age, we can spark career interest. Events such as the Science Festival and Industry Week enable us to show students that the world of industry is accessible,' explains Lucie Adamczak, Communications Officer with Dunkerque LNG.

'Very interesting tour', 'Keep it up', 'Excellent information', 'Very interesting content'... Reading the comments left by visitors and participants, it appears that Dunkerque LNG is perfectly fulfilling its mission as an economic actor that is fully embedded in its region.

Article présenté sur la lettre d'information : Mars 2019


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